Friday, July 6, 2012

Christ-Centered Relationships

My husband will NEVER completely make me satisfied and content 100% of the time. Wow, that doesn't sound like a good statement to open an article encouraging marriage. However, this is the truth.
My husband was given to me for this time as a blessing and bonus from God. This is also true of my son. I love them both A LOT but I can't let them be my idols.
Many people think that if they put all their time and energy into their husband and family they are doing the "Christian thing" BUT even though this sounds good, it's not where our focus should be. Our focus should be on God. He will fill you with so much love that serving and loving your family will overflow from your love of God.
Look at the triangle. The closer you get to God, the closer you get to each other. This is true. Instead of focusing on your family, focus on God and allow him to do the work of bringing you all together in unity.
The Video below if of Francis Chan and his wife speaking on having a Christ-Centered Relationship. This video really makes you think.
Now think about your relationship, is it God-Centered, Family-Centered, or YOU-Centered?

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