Books and Articles

Great Books on the Subject of Purity:

To buy or research any of the following books, simply click the underlined title. It will take you to another website with more info on how to buy or research the book. 

For the Dating Couple...

When God Writes Your Love Story - This book is by Eric and Leslie Ludy. They are a couple who fell in love by following God and allowing Him to but them together. Check out their page by clicking on their names (above)

For the Engaged Couple:

The Act of Marriage - This a great book to read about a week or two before you get married. Do not read it before that unless you are a slow reader. This will help you on your honeymoon. :-)

Help to live pure:

Lest Ye Fall - (Meditations to fight Moral Impurity) By Rand Hummel written to help fight the devil as he uses the worlds immorality against us.

Living Purely in an Impure World - This is must read for every Christian who seeks victory or desires to guard his/her heart.

For Woman and Wives:

For Woman Only: - The truth about His inner life, he desperately want you to know. This may help you understand the men in your life better. 

Created to be His Help Meet - This book is hardcore but very good! It really shows woman how God can make their marriages glorious

Great Books on the Subject of Marriage:

Love and Respect - This book was such an eyeopener to how men crave respect and woman, love. I highly recommend all couples to read this book. This was written by Emerson and Sarah Eggrich. 

Red Hot Monogamy - This is a new favorite of mine. This book helps any marriage, spice it up!

The Ministry of Marriage - Our former pastor in Knoxville recommended we read this book before we got married. I believe this was one of his favorites

Marriage and Family - by Clarence Sexton:  A set of 30 messages that all speak on the home. 

Great Books on Parenting:

Dare to Discipline - This book is written by James Dobson, and is a great book that explains how children crave firm control and how the best parent-child relationship is built on respect and ultimate loyalty to God. 

Baby Wise - This book really helps parents and babies get on a comforting schedule, so that baby and mom can feel secure and get sleep. There is also a really awesome blog that help you understand the book and helps moms as well.

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